Jaeger's Blog

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde

SONY DSLR-A900, f/9, 1/500 sec, ISO 200

Last Sunday, the Union Tribune published an article about the “Bear” sculpture that is sitting in the middle of a UCSD campus courtyard.
“Bear” is two stories tall and weighs 180 tons. It took the artist, Tim Hawkins, 1.5 years to find the granite boulders. They were wheeled in by trucks and hoisted into place by a 300 and a 70-ton crane. The torso rock alone weighs more than 100 tons.
We walk around UCSD for about an hour and explore this part of it a bit closer. The whole University is like a city of it’s own, it is huge and consists of various different campuses from Medical, over Engineering, Science to Athletic an much more. I don’t think there any area of study they don’t offer. But today, since it’s Thanksgiving the campuses are all deserted and empty.

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