Jaeger's Blog

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde


Lately, I've had the pleasure of observing a group of four juvenile Cooper’s hawks. According to Wikipedia, the Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii) is a medium-sized hawk native to the North American continent and found from…...
Next Friday marks a year since my mom passed away unexpectedly on June 14th, 2023. As this day approaches, I've found myself reflecting on the past year and how much she meant to me. There…...
Arizona's wilderness harbors hidden marvels, among them the Southern Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus), a majestic raptor adding an aura of mystery to the desert landscape. Its remarkable adaptability is evident in its presence from the…...
In the serene landscapes of rivers and waterways, a charming dance of nature unfolds as river otters engage in their delightful mating rituals. For the first time ever Jackie and I were able to witness…...
Arizona's vast and diverse landscapes are not just a haven for adventurers and nature enthusiasts; they are also home to a myriad of fascinating bird species. Among these avian treasures is the striking White-faced Ibis…...