Yosemite National Park
Odometer: 102,973 07:00: time to get up. Marco is checking our stocks and I do my first cardio workout since…...

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde
Odometer: 102,973 07:00: time to get up. Marco is checking our stocks and I do my first cardio workout since…...
Odometer: 102,800 07:00: back in California we seem to be getting up earlier again. We leave at 8:00 and drive…...
Odometer: 102,600 08:00: after a good nights sleep we are ready to continue our trip so we take road to…...
Odometer: 102,266 6:45: after a short nights sleep we get up and definitely decide to leave Las Vegas. We have…...
Odometer: 101,877 07:30: apparently we have been very tired or we haven’t adjusted our inner clocks to Utah-time jet. After…...
Odometer: 101,680 08:00: time to get up. Marco is logging on to the Internet and I pack and have Breakfast.…...
Odometer: 101,360 6:00: time to get up and pack the car. At an Italian Coffee we enjoy a nice Latte…...
Odometer: N/A 07:00: after heavy thunderstorms all over Arizona it is a bit cooler today and we continue our way…...