Just after 7am we are sitting in front of the Motel, having coffee, then get gas and off we are on HWY 15 south again, another 650 miles all on the same HWY.
It all goes well until after Las Vegas and then the traffic starts getting worse, we go a few miles slow and then the traffic jam suddenly dissolves again, then 5 minutes later the same again and again, this pattern repeats all the way to San Diego – braking down, speeding up, braking down, ….. It is very frustrating and very tiring. But, eventually we are in San Diego for dinner at 6pm!
The whole trip was so rewarding and beautiful, the scenery was breathtaking, Marco drove safely and indefatigable and our car did not let us down (no flat tires, this time). We were on the road for 8 days, drove 2,865 miles and took 1891 pictures.