Jaeger's Blog

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde

Our first "real" cheese fondue in the US

Apple iPad, f/2.4, 1/15 sec, ISO 125

Yesterday, we went food shopping, when Marco suddenly says: “you know, I would really love to have a cheese fondue for dinner tonight”. So we ask the store clerk if they sell packaged fondue mixes – they don’t. On the way home we stop at another grocery store and finally find what we were looking for.
When we come home we ask Pat if she, by any chance, has a single burner, so that we can enjoy the fondue sitting at the table instead of standing in front of the stove – she doesn’t.
Later in the afternoon, we head off to find a single burner and browse through “Best Buy” and some other stores next to it but cannot find anything. We think that maybe Sears might have more kitchen appliances, but it’s a Saturday afternoon before the Holiday Season and we cannot even find a parking space!
We are not giving up yet and drive the about 10 miles to Fry’s where we are pretty sure we can find a burner or something similar. And we are lucky, we find an electric Fondue Set!

We finally head home and prepare our first real cheese fondue here in San Diego – it is delicious!

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1 comment

  • Francine

    Meine Lieben,
    Mit Hartnäckigkeit habt ihr es geschafft ein wenig Heimat nach San Diego zu bringen. Ich nehme an, dass die “Möckli” die man auf dem Foto sehen kann schon noch geschmolzen sind. Hauptsache, es war gut.
    Liebe Grüsse
    Euer Mami Francine

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