Jaeger's Blog

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde

A short day trip to the Chocolate Falls

SONY ILCE-1, f/18, 3.2 sec, ISO 400

Even though we didn’t get a lot of rain this summer yet, the mountains around us have been getting some decent monsoon storms with a lot of water. Flagstaff for instance had to fight many flash floods already. So on the weekend, Marco says: “I wonder whether the Chocolate Falls/Grand Falls have water”. I did some research and quickly found out that indeed they have plenty of water even more than when we went in spring 2019. I had to wait until Monday morning to call the local office to find out if the road to the falls was in drivable condition or if it was all flooded and muddy.

After talking to the Leupp Chapter people on Monday we got confirmation on the road condition and the water flow of the falls: It is time to drive up to Flagstaff – the sooner the better. Marco calls Dennis and Bill to ask if they want to join us on Tuesday.

We meet Bill at our house just before 4 am and pick up Dennis at 5 am before heading to Flagstaff and arriving at the Little Colorado River and the falls at around 8 am – We spend a few hours visiting all the different viewpoints taking pictures and videos before having a picnic and then heading back home towards noon.

After driving almost 500 miles we safely arrived home late afternoon.


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  • Claude Berner

    Ich kann mich Francine nur anschliessen. Danke für den lesenswerten Bericht und die Erkenntnis, dass nicht überall Trockenheit herrscht…

  • Francine Müller

    Danke für die eindrücklichen Aufnahmen. Offensichtlich gab es recht ergiebige Niederschläge.
    Liebe Grüsse aus der heissen Schweiz. 😘

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