Jaeger's Blog

To look at things is very different from seeing it – Oscar Wilde

Happy Holidays

SONY ILCE-7RM4, f/5.6, 1/500 sec, ISO 1,000

The years are flying by, we don’t even notice it. It’s only when we stop and reflect that we realize how much (or how little) has happened in the past 12 months. 
Picking up from our last year’s Christmas greetings, I can gladly say that after about a month we finally found a good rescue place for the kitty Marco found before Christmas last year. We hope he is living a happy life with a loving family.

The time from when our little furry guest left until fall was pretty uneventful. Which actually is not a bad thing. No health issues, not too many headaches for Marco, just busy times with lots of work and great pictures from Marco and once in a while a nice day trip out of town into nature. In February we got some unexpected snow which transformed the desert landscape into a Winter Wonderland. Then we had a beautiful spring with lots of flowers and plenty of water in the rivers and reservoirs.
We had an unusually dry Monsoon season with hardly any storms and rain (at least not where we live).

In November my cousin Beat and his wife Bea came visiting again. For years (or probably rather decades) attending a NASCAR race was on his bucket list and on the 10th of November his dream finally became true. After booking their flights to visit us Beat found out that there was a race in Phoenix during their stay (or was it maybe the other way around?). Well, anyway, he invited us all to a day at the ISM Raceway. We left our home at 7am and joined the other 41,996 spectators at the track. It was a day as “American” as it can get and a great overall experience. We have to admit though that we watched the end of the race back home on the TV. The 312 laps were just too long for some of us, so we left a little early. It was a great day – thanks again, Beat!

We are looking back, thankful for a good year and that our parents are still doing well and can live in their own homes with little support and we keep our fingers crossed that 2020 will bring us all continued good health, luck and joy.

We wish you Merry Christmas and all the very best for the New Year.
Love Jackie & Marco

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1 comment

  • Francine Müller

    Meine Lieben,

    Danke für euere Zusammenfassung der happenings vom letzten Jahr. Mit Interesse habe ich das gelesen. Hoffentlich könnt ihr in Zukunft weiter von so schönen, positiven Erlebnissen berichten. Ich wünsche es euch von ganzem Herzen.

    Liebe Grüsse Francine

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